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Hi ,

anyone know how to setup AWS mail server on ODOO 14 outgoing mail server?

Thanks !

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See https://forums\.invantive\.com/t/configure\-an\-external\-email\-server\-on\-odoo\-com\-using\-amazon\-simple\-email\-service\-and\-route\-53/3205

The\ link\ seems\ blocked,\ so\ to\ save\ copy\ \&\ paste\ the URL\ in\ the\ browser,\ this\ is\ the\ text:

Invantive\ is\ replacing\ various\ application\ such\ as\ JIRA,\ Confluence,\ Exact\ Online\ and\ Dlvr\.it\ by\ Odoo\.com\ \(the\ online\ edition\ of\ Odoo\)\.\ For\ background,\ please\ refer\ to\ https://forums\.invantive\.com/t/why\-does\-invantive\-select\-odoo\-as\-an\-internal\-solution\-and\-strategic\-choice/3166\.\ Maybe\ even\ ActiveCampaign\ and\ Sendinblue\ will\ be\ migrated,\ but\ it\ remains\ to\ be\ seen\ whether\ the\ volume\ can\ be\ handled\.

In\ this\ implementation\ process\ we\ experience\ the\ "full\ customer\ journey"\ \(or\ sometimes\ called\ the\ "Odoo\ challenge"\)\ by\ implementing\ the\ software\ ourselves\ using\ manuals,\ learning\ videos\ and\ basic\ business\ software\ implementation\ skills\.\ This\ topic\ describes\ the\ external\ email\ server\ configuration\ ultimately\ used\ on\ Odoo\.com\.

\#\#\ Why\ Use\ an\ External\ Email\ Server\ on\ Odoo\.com\?

The\ Odoo\.com\ platforms\ offers\ each\ environment\ their\ own\ email\ address\ in\ the\ format\ "company\.odoo\.com"\.\ Besides\ incorporating\ 3rd\ party\ in\ the\ domain\ name,\ the\ use\ of\ `company\.odoo\.com`\ has\ some\ disadvantages\ when\ email\ is\ used\ extensively\ for\ business\-critical\ applications\.

The\ most\ important\ disadvantage\ are\ restrictions\ on\ the\ number\ of\ email\ that\ can\ be\ sent\ per\ day\ through\ Odoo's\ provided\ outgoing\ mail\ server,\ starting\ at\ 20\ mails\ per\ day\ for\ a\ trial\ and\ 50\ for\ a\ regular\ subscription\.\ Odoo\ enforces\ such\ limits\ to\ avoid\ that\ their\ outgoing\ mail\ servers\ are\ listed\ as\ frequent\ spammers,\ where\ abusers\ or\ intense\ users\ cause\ a\ service\ loss\ for\ other\ Odoo\ users\ since\ they\ share\ the\ same\ outgoing\ mail\ server\(s\)\. 

Such\ limits\ are\ not\ seen\ on\ Invantive's\ originating\ systems\ such\ as\ JIRA\ or\ Exact\ Online,\ although\ both\ JIRA\ and\ Exact\ Online\ offer\ very\ limited\ to\ absolute\ no\ email\ delivery\ analysis\ tools\.\ In\ that\ aspect\ Odoo\ shines\ by\ providing\ forms\ to\ analyze\ the\ mail\ flow\ through\ the\ outgoing\ mail\ server,\ even\ up\ to\ full\ SMTP\ traffic\ logging\.

It\ is\ possible\ to\ request\ an\ increase\ of\ the\ daily\ outbound\ email\ traffic\ through\ a\ ticket,\ but\ this\ can\ take\ weeks\ to\ process\ and\ get\ approved\ to\ a\ meaningful\ level\.\ Also,\ it\ remains\ unsure\ whether\ the\ policy\ applied\ by\ Odoo\ matches\ the\ needs\ of\ the\ user\ for\ email\ server\ capacity\.

Another\ disadvantage\ is\ that\ the\ qualification\ of\ mail\ originating\ from\ Odoo\.com\ is\ not\ a\ hypothetical\ scenario;\ mails\ from\ Odoo\.com\ users\ seem\ to\ get\ qualified\ as\ spam\ under\ circumstances\ depending\ of\ the\ spam\ settings\ along\ the\ route\ to\ the\ recipient\.\ Therefore,\ for\ business\ critical\ use\ it\ seems\ wise\ to\ offload\ the\ email\ handling\ to\ AWS\ SES\ with\ it's\ dedicated\ handling\ and\ possibility\ for\ custom\ IP\-addresses\.

\#\#\ Configure\ Odoo\ Email\ Domain

First\ step\ is\ to\ configure\ the\ email\ domain\ in\ the\ Settings\ app\ \->\ General\ Settings\.\ See\ the\ picture\ below\ where\ to\ change\ the\ domain:

!\[Change\ Odoo\ domain\ name\|690x370\]\(upload://mzrMJa1tLDM6dvDWJUHTd5CG7l3\.png\)

\#\#\ Configure\ Odoo\ Outbound\ Email\ Server\ on\ AWS\ SES

Execute\ the\ following\ steps\ to\ use\ AWS\ SES\ as\ outgoing\ mail\ server\ to\ handle\ outbound\ emails:

\-\ Configure\ AWS\ SES\ such\ that\ mails\ can\ be\ sent\ outside\ of\ Odoo\ such\ as\ described\ in\ https://forums\.invantive\.com/t/programmatically\-sending\-email\-from\-sql\-using\-aws\-ses\-simple\-email\-service/2719\.
\-\ Check\ that\ developer\ mode\ is\ enabled\ in\ Settings\ app\ \->\ General\ Settings\.
\-\ Acquire\ a\ user\ name\ to\ send\ outbound\ mails\ \(A\.\.\.lots\ of\ characters\)\ and\ password\ for\ AWS\ SES\.
\-\ Go\ to\ Settings\ app\.
\-\ Open\ Technical\ menu\.
\-\ Choose\ "Outbound\ Email\ Servers"\.
\-\ Create\ a\ new\ outbound\ server\ as\ shown\ below:

!\[Odoo\ outbound\ mail\ server\ on\ AWS\ SES\|690x412\]\(upload://sE9gokI12bK7nwf41pwOdYYpMvV\.png\)

\#\#\ Configure\ Odoo\ Inbound\ Email\ Server\ on\ Custom\ Domain

Execute\ the\ following\ steps\ to\ forward\ emails\ sent\ to\ your\ custom\ domain\ to\ Odoo's\ incoming\ mail\ server:

\-\ Go\ to\ your\ terminal\ window\ using\ `cmd`\ \(Windows\)\ or\ `terminal`\ \(MacOS\)\.
\-\ Start\ `nslookup`\.
\-\ Lookup\ your\ current\ email\ server\ name\ for\ handling\ mail:\ `set\ type=MX`\ and\ `company\.odoo\.com`:
!\[lookup\ MX\ record\ of\ Odoo\|690x336\]\(upload://aTFWluL4gtRHGJW0Zg9oFPY3X8x\.png\)
\-\ In\ this\ case\ the\ mail\ server\ is\ `eu165a\.odoo\.com`\.
\-\ Create\ a\ hosted\ zone\ in\ your\ DNS,\ such\ as\ AWS\ Route53\.
\-\ Instruct\ external\ parties\ to\ direct\ all\ email\ traffic\ to\ the\ server\ found:
!\[Odoo\ MX\ record\ in\ AWS\ SES\|690x382\]\(upload://bGlUrhHhkRSXUDrxuimsOCbEyFc\.png\)
\-\ Add\ additional\ DNS\-records\ where\ deemed\ necessary\ such\ as\ `include:amazonses\.com`\ in\ the\ TXT\-record\ to\ allow\ delivery\ by\ SES\.

\#\#\ Documentation

There\ is\ some\ documentation\ on\ changing\ email\ servers\ on\ Odoo,\ supported\ by\ various\ integrated\ web\ forms:

\-\ https://www\.odoo\.com/documentation/16\.0/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers\.html

Please\ note\ that\ the\ documentation\ holds\ for\ both\ on\-premises\ and\ odoo\.com\ installations\.\ This\ can\ be\ confusing\ sometimes\ since\ not\ all\ content\ was\ written\ with\ the\ different\ deployment\ platforms\ in\ mind\.

\#\#\ Email\ Configuration\ Design

In\ our\ case\ we\ have\ chosen\ to\ delegate\ outbound\ email\ handling\ to\ Amazon\ Simple\ Email\ Service\ using\ a\ separate\ domain\ `erp\.invantive\.com`\. 

AWS\ SES\ can\ easily\ handle\ tens\ of\ thousands\ or\ tens\ of\ millions\ of\ outbound\ emails\ per\ day\ in\ various\ configurations\.\ Daily\ capacity\ can\ easily\ be\ increased\ as\ long\ as\ no\ abuse\ is\ made\ of\ the\ service\.\ And\ excellent\ throughput\ is\ combined\ with\ relatively\ low\ costs:\ the\ so\-called\ "Free\ Tier"\ includes\ 62,000\ free\ emails\ per\ month\ and\ each\ 1,000\ additional\ emails\ cost\ 10\ cents,\ plus\ some\ surcharges\ for\ attachments\.

For\ inbound\ email,\ we\ have\ chosen\ to\ relay\ all\ inbound\ emails\ to\ the\ email\ handler\ provided\ by\ Odoo\.com\.\ An\ MX\ DNS\-record\ for\ `erp\.invantive\.com`\ forward\ all\ emails\ to\ Odoo\.com's\ handler\.

Creating\ a\ separate\ inbound\ email\ server\ was\ deemed\ costly,\ since\ Odoo\.com\ has\ great\ email\ configuration,\ introducing\ frequently\ new\ email\ aliases\ such\ as\ for\ a\ new\ project\.\ An\ overview\ of\ your\ current\ email\ aliases\ can\ be\ found\ in\ the\ menu\ "Technical"\ under\ "Email"\ and\ "Aliases"\.\ Please\ remember\ to\ first\ activate\ developer\ mode\ at\ the\ end\ of\ the\ Generic\ Settings\ in\ the\ Settings\ app\.

Additionally,\ a\ separate\ inbound\ email\ server\ is\ polled\ quite\ infrequently,\ leading\ to\ increased\ turnaround\ times\ for\ interactions\ such\ as\ on\ project\ tasks\.

Summarizing,\ the\ design\ is:

\-\ Use\ a\ domain\ `erp\.invantive\.com`\.
\-\ Use\ AWS\ SES\ as\ outbound\ mail\ server\.
\-\ Forward\ all\ mail\ traffic\ on\ `erp\.invantive\.com`\ to\ the\ default\ Odoo\ server\.

\#\#\ Caveats

\#\#\#\ Outbound\ Port\ 25\ Blocked

The\ documentation\ is\ a\ little\ vague\ about\ the\ port\ to\ use\ for\ outbound\ mail\.\ Tooltips\ show\ port\ 25\ as\ a\ candidate,\ but\ other\ documentation\ forbids\ it\.\ Ultimate\ conclusion\ is\ that\ port\ 25\ is\ not\ made\ available\ for\ security\ reasons,\ even\ though\ STARTTLS\ is\ possible\ on\ it\.

Even\ worse,\ the\ connection\ test\ displays\ success\ with\ port\ 25,\ even\ when\ it\ does\ not\ work\.\ So\ please\ ignore\ the\ connection\ test\ and\ always\ use\ the\ chatter\ to\ trigger\ an\ outbound\ email\.

For\ AWS\ SES\ TLS\ \(STARTTLS\)\ was\ chosen\ using\ port\ 587\ instead\ of\ port\ 25\.

\#\#\#\ MX\-record
An\ MX\-record\ must\ refer\ to\ a\ A\-record\.\ For\ `erp\.invantive\.com`\ we\ have\ used\ the\ following\ statement\ to\ determine\ Odoo\.com's\ email\ handler:

set\ type=mx

It\ remains\ to\ be\ seen\ whether\ the\ value\ `eu165a\.odoo\.com`\ of\ the\ MX\-record\ is\ stable\ or\ must\ be\ updated\ whenever\ changes it configuration.

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Dear Erpan johan,

for outgoing mail server id 14 please follow these steps:-

1} go to settings -> general settings.

2} in general settings, active External Email service.

3} then after go to Outgoing Email servers.

4} then create your new outgoing email server.

5} fill all details.

I hope this information is helpful for you and after view this you can solve your problem very easy

Feel free for further assistance on

Thank you
Geminate Consultancy Services

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