Bayu Budi
Bayu Budi is a company operating in the plastic packaging manufacturing industry located in Surabaya. This business is located at Jl Karet 76-78 Bongkaran Pabean Cantikan Surabaya. The company implements ERP and Manufacturing modules, which consist of Accounting, Purchase, Sales, Invoice, Inventory and manufacture.Fertigung
Berkah Sukses Sejahtera
A business institution that is developing and engaged in retail. This institution has several business units, including those in the food sector such as Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbs, Private Lessons and Health Equipment. In the future, this institution will strive to meet the various needs of society in Indonesia.Sebuah Lembaga Bisnis yang sedang berkembang dan bergerak dibidang retail. Lembaga ini memiliki beberapa unit Usaha, diantaranya di bidang makanan seperti Frozen Food, Cookies, Herbal, Les Privat serta Alat-alat Kesehatan. Kedepannya, lembaga ini berusaha untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat di Indonesia.
Bikers Sejati Motor
BSM is a company that is developing and operates in the distribution of two-wheeled motor vehicle spare parts, serving sales to agents and wholesalers. They use odoo to manage their operational activities by using ERP Modul such as: Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, Invoice, and Approval TransportBima Indonesia Makmur Abadi
PT. Bima Indonesia Makmur Abadi merupakan distributor bahan bangunan terpercaya dan terbaik di area Latubo (Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro). PT. Bima Indonesia Makmur Abadi menawarkan product berkualitas seperti semen bima, keramik mulia, galvalum (canal-c dan reng), mortar fascon, bata ringan fascon, dan kloset triliunware Großhandel/EinzelhandelBlue Fox International
Blue Fox International is a catalog distance selling company based in Indonesia. With 18 years of experience in the mail-order industry, they have successfully served millions of customers in seven countries, the majority of which are in Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Taiwan. Blue Fox International plans to expand their market in Asia, Africa, and South America in order to further develop a profitable business model. Großhandel/EinzelhandelBra Pro Ltd.
Perusahaan pemasok pakaian intim wanita terkemuka. Memasok outlet ritel utama seperti H&M di Indonesia dan lainnya di Amerika, Eropa, Kanada, Australia dan Asia.- Klasifikasi Perusahaan: Manufacturing, Distribusi.
- Lini Bisnis: Women’s Underwear, Fashion.
- Jumlah Karyawan: 25-50.
Tantangan: HPP per serial number, SKU yang fleksibel sehingga harus terbentuk saat melakukan penjualan. Otomatisasi: pembuatan invoice, generate sales, penggabungan pembelian beserta detail komponen, pembuatan bills, currency rate Bank Indonesia. Konversi rate costing sampai dengan pembelian, print out penjualan per komponen.
Solusi dari Falinwa: Kustomisasi penambahan modul costing, pencatatan hpp per costing dan service untuk payment. Improve modul sales dengan fitur product matrix untuk pembuatan stok per komponen ditambah flow proses otomatisasi yang kompleks. Penambahan fitur rate tengah Bank Indonesia otomatis harian.
Central Capital Ventura (CCV) is the venture and innovation arm of Indonesia's largest private bank, Bank Central Asia. We are early-stage venture capital investors, committed to investing in and working hand-in-hand with daring entrepreneurs striving to define the future of financial services in Indonesia. Our goal is to leverage synergies and entrepreneurial innovation in order to empower our ecosystem and support Indonesia's growth.As the corporate venture capital arm of one of Indonesia's most trusted and respected financial institutions, the CCV team is uniquely positioned as strategic investors into the nation's top fintech gateways. Ours is an ambitious goal of advancing one of Indonesia's most paramount industries, and thus we take pride in serving the people alongside the bravest and most passionate of founders. Andere Dienstleistungen