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Abu Dhabi School Of Management - Owned By Abu Dhabi Chamber Of Commerce & Industry -  Sole proprietor L.L.C.
Abu Dhabi School Of Management - Owned By Abu Dhabi Chamber Of Commerce & Industry - Sole proprietor L.L.C.
Industry: Education – University

The Abu Dhabi School of Management (ADSM), founded by the Abu Dhabi Chamber is a unique business school in the region, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship. Their vision is to be a center of excellence for entrepreneurship, leadership and management through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge. The implementation of Odoo ERP at the Abu Dhabi School of Management has ushered in a new era of efficiency and integration.

The school now enjoys streamlined administrative processes, with a centralized platform that seamlessly manages tasks such as admissions, student records, and financial operations. Odoo's comprehensive modules have optimized resource allocation, allowing the school to enhance its operational performance and make data-driven decisions.

The ERP system has greatly improved communication and collaboration among different departments, fostering a cohesive and interconnected academic environment. With real-time insights into student performance, attendance, and faculty activities, the Abu Dhabi School of Management has gained a holistic view of its operations. The automation of routine tasks has led to significant time savings, enabling staff to focus more on strategic initiatives and student engagement.

Moreover, the implementation has heightened data security and compliance, ensuring the school adheres to regulatory standards. Overall, Odoo ERP has proven instrumental in elevating the Abu Dhabi School of Management's administrative capabilities, providing a robust foundation for sustained growth and academic excellence.

Acad Egypt Academy
Acad Egypt Academy
ACAD Training & Consulting adopted international standards and best practice competency based models as well as the implementation of human resources restructuring philosophy and modern training strategies in order to provide its customers with quality consulting and training services. In a fast developing world, ACAD extends its support to help businesses achieve transformational and paradigm shifting from traditional to competency-based performance and to attain their future strategic goals. In this respect, with our internationally certified experts, we have been awarded a number of international certifications and hence, accredited to design, deliver international training courseware and accordingly issue internationally accredited certifications. We are, therefore, pleased to introduce our customers to the newly developed training plan for the year 2020 comprising a number of diversified modern programs.

As a preeminent strategy consultant locally and regionally consultant in various industries, ACAD Training & Consulting is uniquely well-placed to help individuals and organizations build world class workforce. Where an organisation needs to re-focus staff, manage change or to capture commercial opportunities, our ability to define training objectives, design and deliver on-point training, to support implementation, to certify competence and to evaluate training outcomes, makes us the trusted partner of choice for your training needs. We draw on our hand picked team of expert trainers, who are among the most experienced and renowned specialists in their respective fields, to create strategic business solutions that reflect our spirit of excellence. You can choose the learning solution, which best suits your schedule, team, learning style and budget.
Al Mashreq University
Al Mashreq University
. جامعة المشرق هي جامعة خاصة تأسست بموجب قرار مجلس الوزراء ذي العدد 204 في 8/12/2020 والامر الوزاري 8399 في 13/12/2020

للجامعة شخصية معنوية ذات استقلال مالي وإداري وتتمتع بالأهلية القا نونية الكاملة في تحقيق اهدافها
يسعى التعليم العالي الاهلي ليكون هذا التعليم داعما للتعليم الحكومي لما يملكه من إمكانيات مادية وبشرية تسهم في تقديم خدمات تعليمية متميزة وبمستوى عا ل من الجودة والكفاءة ولذلك فقد تم التنفيذ في بناء جامعة المشرق على القطعة المرقمة 2102/18/11 عامرية ليكون ذلك الصرح التعليمي الكبير والرائد لاستقطاب طلاب العلم والمعرفة ، وقد صدرت الموافقات الاصولية عن مجلس الوزراء ووزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي عن تأسيس جامعة المشرق للعام 2020/2021م وتضم هذه الجامعة كليات عدة منها طب الاسنان / الصيدلة / تقنيات العلوم الطبية / القانون /العلوم الادارية والمالية كما تضم الجامعة ايضا العديد من المختبرات العلمية المتميزة التي تواكب النهضة المعرفية بقطاعات العلوم الطبية والصيدلانية كافة ، وتتميز جامعة المشرق باحتوائها على مساحات خضراء تساعد في خلق أجواء علمية تفاعلية ، فضلا عن وجود قاعات دراسية واسعة ومكيفة بشكل فريد مع وجود مكتبة تغطي حاجات الطلبة من المراجع العلمية كما تسعى الجامعة الى تأسيس القواعد العلمية للمكتبة الالكترونية التخصيصية .