Apps SSH keys


If you are on Bitbucket, Let the following key access your repository. You can do so by selecting your repository > Settings > Access Keys:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC0MOb1cZed+8rHQ98MintHY6jfjMHegyFF3K5fkyUdB

Other platforms

To grant access to Github or Gitlab, please refer to the FAQ page. For any other platform, please grand access to the following SSH key:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDMtlwtUNiFe7khfHt77/ARrzC+CRnayxVY/YAi4QPX6N8JoluWnoljYYejmYap9zqRJP7YiUs1jyHfHVZMCtUwwxeXuBq4yf3HCbLboem0YBkwxKuyv/Sg02GcoYyDaFbj4pxEGlIm9zvEM66od39u1SlyZZmmtTWTXQDwHtNF3Q==