bpmn workflow package



v 13.0 Third Party
Odoo Online
On Premise
Technical Name just_workflow_package
Versions 13.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Technical Name just_workflow_package
Versions 13.0

ODOO Workflow Package

There is 1.0 for odoo13, For versions 2.0 or above and for ODOO 15-17, please contact the author directly or from website.

ODOO workflow Package has four addons. The release is a package.

just_todo: for workflow task executor to do tasks or approve

just_widget_colorpicker: for workflow node and trans set color and board

just_workflow_bpmn,: using bmpn.io for the diagramming part,

just_workflow_engine: A custom development, for Drive Workflow Execution,

workflow bpmn

ODOO Workflow Package 2.0 has major changes compared to version 1.0. Users who have purchased and downloaded version 1.0 must pay attention to the subversive changes in model definition and driver execution of version 2.0.

Main features of version 2.0

  1. Redistribute the functions burdened by node and trans. The activities, events, transfers and interactions of the workflow are taken over by node and changed to node driver.
  2. workflow definition becomes simpler, and the workflow style is more consistent with bpmn. The node change category will have different icon marks, trans will be responsible for conditional branches and script execution that may be required before and after node.
  3. The workflow of or-sign approval, counter-sign approval, notification, designated node rollback, etc. had improved.
  4. Flexible workflow role definition supports dynamic calculation of workflow roles based on the identity of the approval node.
  5. Support sub-process definition

Demo and Video

workflow bpmn

ODOO BPMN Workflow 2.0 Video English

ODOO BPMN Workflow 1.0 DEMO Video English

ODOO BPMN Workflow 1.0 DEMO Video 中文

Just Widget Colorpicker

workflow bpmn

Just Widget Condition(only for odoo17)

workflow condition

just_Digital_Sign(only for odoo16, odoo17)

workflow signature


-Based on BPMN2 0's graphical custom workflow module assists in generating workflow model definitions, flexible workflow nodes and action settings, and complements the short board of odoo's lack of workflow.

-基于BPMN2.0 的图形化自定义工作流模块,辅助生成工作流模型定义,灵活的流程节点及动作设置,补充Odoo缺少工作流的短板。

-The update and application of workflow does not affect the original business definition. After the workflow is activated, the approval button, node display and workflow action are automatically generated. After completion, the adjustment and definition of business workflow workflow can be completed without development.


-It supports countersigning (multiple people are required to approve at the same time), countersigning, workflow selection (different next nodes are automatically selected according to different conditions), re initiation, termination and rollback, multi branch execution, python method triggering, seamless connection with the internal functions of documents, log recording, approval comments, Calendar Reminder, and the workflow is driven by to-do tasks.

-支持会签(需要多人同时审批),加签,支持流程选择(根据不同条件,自动选择不同的下个节点) 支持重新发起、终止及回退,支持多分支执行,支持python方法触发,可与单据的内部功能无缝衔接,支持日志记录,支持审批意见批示 ,支持日历提醒,流程以待办任务方式驱动。

-Flexible approval permission settings. The approval button can set specific users or user groups. workflow node form workflowing can be read-only or edited according to personnel role settings. -灵活的审批权限设置,审批按钮可以设置具体的用户,也可以设置用户组。流程节点表单处理可以根据人员角色设置只读或编辑。

workflow bpmn


-Works perfectly with any model.

-Works with Odoo community & enterprise edition.

-Build workflow via State Diagram view.

-Control fields & buttons attributes per state.

-Control fields visibility depending on user and/or security group.

-Buttons can execute different type of actions, like (Link Triggers, Server Actions, Window Actions, Python Code)








workflow engine


workflow engine

Contact Information

  • Skype: justsxl@sina.com
  • Email: justsxl@sina.com
  • QQ Immediately QQ立刻联系

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  • If you want to start a discussion with the author or have a question related to your purchase, please use the support page.
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on 3/11/24, 3:30 PM Reviewed
Temos interesse no seu módulo BPM/Workflow, mas devido ao alto investimento gostaríamos de solicitar um ambiente de teste e demonstração, ou uma apresentação aos nossos gestores locais aqui no Brasil remotamente.

Re: contact
on 3/12/24, 10:06 PM Author

you can contact with me by skype: justsxl@sina.com, and if you need a consultation or a video demonstration, you can make an appointment with me. I am in UTC+8.